Florida School Grades

Okaloosa Technical College And Choice High School

1976 Lewis Turner Blvd Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547-1217

Okaloosa Technical College And Choice High School is a High School located in Fort Walton Beach and run by principal Jerry Sansom. Okaloosa Technical College And Choice High School has 125 total students and 26 teachers with an average of 5 students per classroom teacher. Students at Okaloosa Technical College And Choice High School have a low minority student population with white students being the largest segment of the population and are generally from mid-range poverty households.

☎ Phone: (850)833-3500
👔 Principal: JERRY SANSOM
💰 Mid-Range Poverty  
👦 Low Minority 
1976 Lewis Turner Blvd Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547-1217

Total Students





5 to 1

Students Per Grade

The current distribution of students per grade at Okaloosa Technical College And Choice High School.

Students Diversity

The following table shows student population diversity at Okaloosa Technical College And Choice High School.

Black/African American108%

No School Grade Data Found 😭